LSS Waste Management, the Leeds based total waste management provider, has launched an appeal for people to donate crayons, colouring pens and pencils to help a local charity that is due to take a convoy of aid to Romania in May.
The Yorkshire Aid Convoy, which was set-up by Mark Murphy of Leeds-based Wetheralds Painters & Building Services in 2002, makes annual trips to either Romania or the Ukraine, and this year has been given 80,000 school exercise books to take with them – a donation that LSS felt would be perfectly accompanied by pens, pencils and crayons.
Phil Hutchinson, sales manager of LSS Waste, said: “We’re proud supporters of the Yorkshire Aid Convoy, having provided trucks and covered fuel costs in recent years, and this year we’re also throwing in our general manager, Ian Grimes, and owner and MD, Nigel Woolford as drivers.”
“But when we heard about all those exercise books, we felt we could do more by asking staff, customers, suppliers and the public to donate crayons and pencils, so that those who receive the books also have something with which to draw or write in them with.”
To donate crayons, colour pens or pencils, simply pop them in the post to LSS Waste, Recycling House, Knowsthorpe Lane, Cross Green Industrial Park, Leeds, LS9 0PF or call LSS Waste on 0113 282 4531 to arrange for your donation to be picked up.
This year’s Yorkshire Aid Convoy leaves the UK on May 2nd and will carry over 50 tonnes of donated goods, worth over £2.5million, on a 3,000-mile round trip that is scheduled to visit schools, hospitals, care homes, disabled centres and business start-up projects in the Sfintu Gheorghe and Sighisoara regions of Transylvania, Romania.
Mark Murphy of the Yorkshire Aid Convoy said: “It’s a massive annual undertaking to get the convoy up, running and on the road, and one that couldn’t be done without the hard work and commitment of all the volunteers who help us through the year, as well as on the trip itself.”
“It is though worth every single second of the work being put in when you see the reception the donations receive when we deliver them – and hopefully this year we’ll see a lot of smiling faces when we hand over all the crayons collected through LSS Waste.”
Full information about the Yorkshire Aid Convoy can be found at www.yorkshireaidconvoy.co.uk. You can also follow @yorkshireaid on Twitter
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